Thursday, 31 May 2018

My Role Model

Football is one of the most popular sports in the world today, a lot of people who want to become a football athlete and play along with his idol. One of them is me, I really like football. In fact I am very eager to play with my idol and role model is Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world today, I really admire him because in addition to great skills in playing ball, he has also won a lot of trophy both individually and team. Cristiano Ronaldo is known as a person who does not want to have a tattoo and drink alcohol, and he does that so he can donate his blood to those in need.

Ronaldo is often donated his blood to the people in need, and he is also a good person who always greets fansnya both on and off the field. Why is Cristiano Ronaldo my role model? because he taught me even though we are above, still do not forget to look down and still help others and also not arrogant. That's what makes me proud to see Cristiano Ronaldo be my role model. And I really want to be a good person like him.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

End World Hunger

     The UN Food and Agriculture Organization reports that about 815 million people from 7.6 billion people in the world or 10.7% suffer from chronic malnutrition by 2016. Almost all hungry people live in developing countries, and there are 11 million people malnourished in the country advanced.

     There are two basic types of malnutrition / malnutrition, the first and most important of which is protein energy malnutrition (PEM). This is basically a lack of calories and protein. Food is converted to energy by humans, and the energy contained in foods is measured with calories. Protein is necessary for major body functions including provision of essential amino acids and muscle development and maintenance. Malnutriton energy protein is a more lethal form of malnutrition / famine and is a type of malnutrition called when world hunger is discussed.

     Most hungry people live in developing countries, who see a 42 percent decline in the prevalence of malnourished people between 1990-92 and 2012-14. Despite progress, about one in eight people or 13.5 percent of the total population still suffers from chronic malnutrition in the region, down from 23.4 percent in 1990-92. Some of the most densely populated areas in the world, Asia is home to two of the three malnourished people in the world.

     Famine continues to take the biggest casualties in terms of the number of people affected in South Asia covering the countries of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Estimates of 276 million people with chronic malnutrition in 2014-16 were only slightly lower than those in 1990-92. East Asia (where China is by far the largest country) and Southeast Asia (including Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, and others) have reduced malnutrition.

     The year 2015 marks the end of the monitoring period for two internationally agreed targets to reduce hunger. The target for the Millennium Development Goals for developing countries as a whole is to halve the proportion of hungry by 2015 from the base year (1990s) or from 23.2% to 6.6%. Because the proportion in 2014-16 is 12.9% where the goal is almost achieved. While East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean region have reached the goal.

     These problems globally are climate change disruptions such as droughts and floods, as well as political crises and severe economic downturns in commodity-dependent countries.

     The farmer transformation program can be an example of a rural Entrepreneurship program for Heifer International's Heifer International Agriculture Cooperation, committed to rebuilding communities in rural areas and increasing economic opportunities.

     Farmers must be developed appropriately so that small farmers can meet their needs and prepare to produce food in the face of rapid population growth.

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Monday, 5 March 2018

Self-Description (Tugas B. Inggris Bisinis 2)

My name is Rizki Arif Darmawan, I'm running life on the bench lectures last semester. I am indifferent, quiet, and sometimes cool. Currently I am undergoing the final semester at Gunadarma University that means this semester is the semester of the students with thesis as a graduation requirement. Since I did not get the SK automatically, I was on the proposal for SK thesis.

My goal The world is this lecture because I am not ready to enter the work world, but I also want to develop my knowledge during the vocational school. Therefore I choose to enter the world of college directly into the world of work.

The disadvantage I have is first, I am so lacking in memorization so I forget to remember something. The second that I have not been able to do coding, the second reason is still associated with the first is easy to forget remembering the coding. My dream to enter the world of this lecture I want to work in offices that use shirt neatly. That's what I dreamed about in the world of work for a long time. 

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Kerangka Kerja, Manfaat dan Pengguna COBIT

Kerangka Kerja COBIT
Kerangka kerja COBIT terdiri atas beberapa arahan/pedoman, yakni:
·         Control Objectives
Terdiri atas 4 tujuan pengendalian tingkat-tinggi (high-level control objectives) yang terbagi dalam 4 domain, yaitu : Planning & Organization , Acquisition & Implementation , Delivery & Support , dan Monitoring & Evaluation.
·         Audit Guidelines
Berisi sebanyak 318 tujuan-tujuan pengendalian yang bersifat rinci (detailed control objectives) untuk membantu para auditor dalam memberikan management assurance dan/atau saran perbaikan.
·         Management Guidelines
Berisi arahan, baik secara umum maupun spesifik, mengenai apa saja yang mesti dilakukan, terutama agar dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut :
Ø  Sejauh mana TI harus bergerak atau digunakan, dan apakah biaya TI yang dikeluarkan sesuai dengan manfaat yang dihasilkannya.
Ø  Apa saja indikator untuk suatu kinerja yang bagus.
Ø  Apa saja faktor atau kondisi yang harus diciptakan agar dapat mencapai sukses ( critical success factors ).
Ø  Apa saja risiko-risiko yang timbul, apabila kita tidak mencapai sasaran yang ditentukan.
Ø  Bagaimana dengan perusahaan lainnya, apa yang mereka lakukan.
Ø  Bagaimana mengukur keberhasilan dan bagaimana pula membandingkannya.
Manfaat dan Pengguna COBIT
Secara manajerial target pengguna COBIT dan manfaatnya adalah :
·         Direktur dan Eksekutif
Untuk memastikan manajemen mengikuti dan mengimplementasikan strategi searah dan sejalan dengan TI.
·         Manajemen
Ø  Untuk mengambil keputusan investasi TI.
Ø  Untuk keseimbangan resiko dan kontrol investasi.
Ø  Untuk benchmark lingkungan TI sekarang dan masa depan.
·         Pengguna
Untuk memperoleh jaminan keamanan dan control produk dan jasa yang dibutuhkan secara internal maupun eksternal.
·         Auditors
Ø  Untuk memperkuat opini untuk manajemen dalam control internal.
Ø  Untuk memberikan saran pada control minimum yang diperlukan.

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